Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ok, here's the plan.

I am a fairly new wife and mom.  I was married about 5 years ago and my oldest daughter just turned 4.  I'm still learning about housework, raising my children and organizing my life really.  I'm not very good at it.  I know of people who have schedules, and they plan like the wind.  I mean, I'm quite good at creating the schedules and spreadsheets to chart out my days, weeks, and months, BUT I am TERRIBLE at following said guidelines.  I'm not sure why and it aggravates me to no end.  Isn't that strange?  Well, I seem to think so.  Anyhow, I still have PLANS to do better, but I don't know when that will actually happen.  Ontop of all that, my husband and I plan to homeschool our children.  The first year will begin next fall.  Go ahead and laugh.  We did too.  Ontop of ALL that, I am in the middle of this 'I need to reorganize, re-do my home' phase.  Goodness, I know, I know.  It all goes hand in hand though.  In order to prepare for homeschooling, I'll need to organize my cleaning, grocery shopping, nap times, and eat times so I can fit it all in (where the schedules and spreadsheets come into play).  I'll need to set up one of the girls rooms into a school room and then bunk them together in the other room, and I'll need to organize my house so that everything will have a place and will feel less cramped with the new school room (where the re-doing my home comes in).  Soooooo, all the plans blend together and seem to be flooding my mind all the time.  All this needs to be done on a tight budget too.  Since I stopped working and decided to stay at home with the children (I had a very good paying job - sniff, sniff), we have had to learn to live very small.  I'll post about these 'projects' soon.

Thanks for 'checking in' with me!

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